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  • Ryan Whitley

Maintaining Your Friendships in College

One of the more difficult parts of college that rarely gets talked about is maintaining the friendships you make. With all the homework, classes, studying and other commitments we have, it is sometimes difficult to find the time to focus on our friends. Finding that balance has only gotten harder being separated from them due to the Coronavirus pandemic and not being on campus. However, there are some simple things to do to help keep your friendships strong, both on campus and now online.

On Campus

  • Set aside time

One of the best suggestions is to set aside time for your friends. Put it down on your calendar, make a reminder in your phone, do whatever it takes to make sure that for that time, you’re not distracted, and you can focus on being present with your friends.

  • Find a common hobby

Another easy step is to find something you all like to do and find some time to do that. Maybe there’s a TV show you all like that you can watch together, maybe a club on campus you can all join. For me and my roommates, it’s bowling. Most weekends (before the pandemic, of course), we would head over to a local alley and bowl for a little while to relax and just spend time together. I think having that common activity has really helped us grow our friendship and keep it strong.

Photo Credit: Ryan Whitley

  • Go out to dinner...

Seriously, what’s more fun than going to a restaurant and having a great meal while spending quality time with your best friends? Answer: nothing.

  • ...or make it yourself

Who cares if none of you can cook anything more complex than pasta? Honestly, that makes the experience even more memorable. Getting that time to be together and not focused on anything else is what really helps to make sure you don’t fall away from friends.


Of course, this can be harder to do now that we’re not on campus, especially if you’re not living with your friends. But there are still plenty of things you can do.

  • Use Zoom for something other than school

One simple thing my friends and I have done is a Zoom call every few weeks, and on all of our birthdays. It gives us a chance to reconnect a bit and see how everyone is doing. These calls also give a little bit more social interaction than we would get in a normal day, which is always nice.

  • Don’t forget about each other!

As the old saying goes, “out of sight, out of mind”. Don’t let this happen to your friendships. Finding ways to stay connected is critical in this online world. Whether it’s a group movie night over Zoom, playing video games, or just a simple text to check in, making that first step to reach out and do something can be all it takes to make sure that your friendships stay strong in 2020.


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