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Loyola Sports

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

Credit: Nick Febbo

At every school throughout the country, social life is a crucial part of the student’s decision on whether they want to attend. Once the weekend comes around, plenty of universities have athletic events, or other extracurricular activities taking place.

It could be said that students took all of this for granted now that we don’t have it. There is only so much one can do at a small university or college, and one of the main things to do on a weekend is to attend a sporting event.

At Loyola, the university prides itself on the academics and athletics. One sport in particular that we hold high standards for is Lacrosse. The Lacrosse program is undoubtedly the best on campus, but that isn’t the point I want to make.

While online classes, quarantines and lockdowns keep us students away from each other, we can no longer attend these events that bring everyone together to enjoy themselves and support their fellow classmates battling it out on the field.

For every student at Loyola, sporting events are a way to support our classmates that we know and see in class every day. The ones who get to continue their athletic careers here at Loyola give it their all, and so do the ones who show up to support.

The excitement that comes from the team when a goal is scored or a big play is made is surreal, but even more excitement comes when the time to gather at the Ridley Athletic Complex to watch our fellow classmates battle it out with their opponents comes around.

The day usually kicks off with students waking up, eating breakfast, getting decked out in the Loyola Green and hopping on a packed bus outside of Newman Towers. From there it is a short trip to Ridley and then it is game time.

Sitting in the student section, also known as the “Dog Pound,” is something that will surely be missed for the next few seasons, but the athletes and coaches know that the student body is still behind them.

It is an experience that every Greyhound has the opportunity to have and taking advantage of it is highly recommended. Memories are made at Ridley not only for the athletes in big moments, but for the fans when the crowd erupts in celebration for our Greyhounds.

When everything is back to normal, you could guarantee the busses will be packed, the lines will be long and the stands at Ridley will be sold out in support of our very own Greyhounds.

Credit: Nick Febbo


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