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Doing Better is All of Our Responsibility

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

What does a college campus look like under new Title IX regulations? The finalized Title IX guidelines from sitting Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos give more support to those accused of sexual assault. This ruling rolls back decades of progress that was preventative of gender discrimination in education. It also sets a precedent that will discourage students from reporting incidents of assault. It is failed behavior like this that spurs campaigns like Do Better Loyola into action.

This is Loyola University Maryland’s chapter of the Do Better campaign, which is a national organization committed to stopping gender violence on college campus.In the initial address to the Loyola community via social media, the page outlined their outrages, as well as the long-term goals and strides they hope to make.

“As a result of the overwhelming amounts of personal stories shared by survivors at Loyola, many in our community have become empathetic, angry, and saddened towards the inadequate treatment regarding cases of gender violence on our campus. Action is sorely needed, as well as better communication, information, and resources.”

These words were an inspiring call to action for myself and many of my friends. The Do Better campaign wants to encourage students and like-minded individuals to join in the fight against sexual assault and to protect survivors. It is a labor of love to your school and your community, to try and make it as safe a place as it can possibly be.

Credit: cottonbro from Pexels


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